Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Health and Wellness

In The F.M. Kirby Gallery of the Biosciences, in The Joy and George Rathmann Hall of Science on the second Floorof the Science Center
The Franklin Institute's giant model walk-through Heart, an icon in Philadelphia since its opening in 1954, recently underwent major renovations, upgrades, and enhancements. It reopened on October 1, 2004, as part of a new bioscience exhibit, The Giant Heart: A Healthy Interactive Experience.The new exhibit doubles in size to 5,000 square feet and surrounds the Heart as it pulses with interactive devices and information in four thematic areas:
Heart Anatomy and Physiology
Health and Wellness
Diagnostics and Treatment
A giant EKG (electrocardiogram) wave runs down the middle of the exhibit's room. Exhibit components include a full size recreation of a surgical theater, complete with actual open-heart surgery being performed via video effects, and a display of some of the latest technologies used in human heart treatment. A musical cartoon about blood transport and giant crawl-through arteries engages children.

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